Expired date of this product : 12/05/2025 Product: Sexylook Cactus Smoothing Cream 50ml Contents: 50ml Main Functions: Calm and soothing Main ingredients: Centella asiatica extract, German chamomile extract, cactus extract,...
【Contents】 30ml / bottle 【Main Function】 New generation aesthetic medical grade B5+, hydrating Hyaluronic Acid, skin shows improvement in moisture retention, smoothness and plumpness after 7 times of continuous use!...
[Contents] 200ml [Main Functions] Alcohol-free and suitable for baby,Can sanitizer cutleries,Kill 99.99% of germs,Safe & Non Toxic [Cautions] - Keep out of direct sunlight and store in cool places. -...
[Contents] 80ml [Main Functions] Alcoho-free and suitable for baby,Can sanitizer cutleries,Kill 99.99% of germs,Safe & Non Toxic [Cautions] - Keep out of direct sunlight and store in cool places. -...
[Contents] 80ml [Main Functions] Alcoho-free and suitable for baby,Can sanitizer cutleries,Kill 99.99% of germs,Safe & Non Toxic [Cautions] - Keep out of direct sunlight and store in cool places. -...
Product Aromase Red Rose Damage Recovery Conditioner 400ml Contents 400ml/pc 5 Features of Healthy Conditioner High Concentration of Amin Acid, Low pH-below pH5.5, Against Animal Testing, Natural Essence, 0%...
容量 :400ml 成分 :捷利尔甘草次酸复合物,大马士革玫瑰, 维它命B3, 杜松果精油, 维生素原B5, 锯棕榈,迷迭香、快乐鼠尾草、松油醇,5α酯化鳄梨油。 功效 :强健发根、活络毛发,温和调理头皮环境避免细菌生成,维持健康的头皮均衡。 玫瑰精油添加,强化保湿力,调理头皮上的油脂分泌,并有锯棕榈萃取,舒缓掉发困扰。 适用对象 :油性稀疏发、产后稀疏发、遗传性稀疏发、压力型扁塌发等,有头发扁塌困扰者 注意事项: 1.使用时请避开眼睛,如不慎溅入请立即以清水冲洗,若仍感不适请就医。 2.本产品含薄荷脑,请避免使用于伤口处,过敏头皮者请局部试用后,无不适再使用。 3.本产品绝不含药,可天天使用,因个人体质不同,问题头皮使用前请先咨询医师。 This shampoo regulates the health of the scalp ecosystem. It strengthens the degreasing effect and oil...